Wednesday, 15 October 2014

You are more beautiful than you think!

(Dove Real Beauty Sketches)

It is commercial of  Dove. Theses days, all women too much obsession about their figure.

So, they are trying to find their weak point. Therefore, they're losing confidence about themselves.

I hope to find their real beauty through this ad.


Dove Real Beauty Sketches: Women learns to appreciate their beauty

According to Dove, women are known to be the worst beauty critics of themselves. It is said that only 4% women in the world consider themselves beautiful. So Dove decided to prove them wrong and Dove won. In this amazing initiative by Dove to make women feel beautiful, they called many women and called each one separately to an artist who drew their portraits according to their descriptions about themselves. Before this activity, they allowed these women to interact. Then the artist asked them to explain the characteristics of the other woman. The portraits came out be quite ironical. The sketches of a woman which were made on the basis of other women’s explanation turned out to be beautiful, while portraits of women where they described themselves turned out to be brilliant.

Women are usually seen in a constant effort make themselves look more beautiful. They strive a lot with their body to make them look perfect from all angles. Not being able to fit into one’s day is a negative feeling that mostly women induces into their minds since childhood. They gather a little negativism from everywhere-a little from a grumpy aunt next door, a depressing adjective on her looks from her brother after a cat fight, a rude comment from a man who molested her on the road. Although women pretends to forget all of these and move away, she has all of it in her memory. At times, the scars the deep enough to last for a life time. It is only when she pours out her heart, all deepest feelings on her looks that she received through the years comes out.

Here is an amazing initiative that truly make woman love themselves and understand that they are really beautiful.